Lake Pines Braille

Making Accessible Online Math Documents.

Lake Pines Braille creates Documents, with Math, Online, in Braille.

Braille math online is hard. At Lake Pines Braille, we make it easier. We provide the Equalize Editor, a free web application, to use math online and in Braille from anywhere.

The Equalize Editor uses braille for reading, writing, and yes, arithmetic. And algebra, and trigonometry, and calculus, and so much more.

Lake Pines Braille is here to make braille math easy, accessible, and available online.

Try the Equalize Editor, and see math in a new way.

Try the EE


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Equalize Editor (EE) Web Application

EE Sample Image

Braille Input and Output for Math Documents.

The Equalize Editor (EE) is a Web Application for Braille Text and Math documents. When you open the app, it pulls the focus to the input area where you may enter text and math.

Equalize Editor Videos

Check out the Equalize Editor Demo Videos to learn how to create accessible documents.

The first video is The Teacher Hat - Creating a Basic Worksheet for 5th Grade Math. It shows how a sighted teacher uses QWERTY input mode to create accessible documents for braille students to read.

The second video is The Student Hat - Completing a Basic Worksheet for 5th Grade Math. It shows how a braille student modifies such a document using Braille input mode or Home Row input mode to create responses for a sighted teacher to read.

How to use the Equalize Editor

For detailed instructions on how to use the Equalize Editor, check out the Equalize Editor Documentation.

It includes Software Setup information for screen readers and other tools, Basic Training instructions for common tasks, a broader Editor Tutorial on a wide range of topics, an extensive Users Guide with additional reference material, and other special topics and editor Equalize Editor example files.

Try the EE

The Equalize Editor is provided free of charge for personal use. For details, please see the Terms of Service.

EE for Educators and Students

Contact Us

The EE provides an interactive dimension for educational math resources and online Braille instruction. Contact Us to find out how the EE can help instructors and students see Online Braille Math in a new way.

Accessibility Consulting Services

We offer professional accessibility consultation services.

Almost everyone needs help with math at some point. Especially with projects intended to provide online math in an accessible way.

The EE is designed to be embedded in web applications in a wide range of environments. We have been involved in web standards and applications for math since the inception of MathML, the W3C language for communicating math on the web.

The EE is committed to enhancing online math accessibility. It represents the first software application that simultaneously translates between online printed math notation and Nemeth Braille, the standard for communicating math to blind and visually impaired readers that has been used for over fifty years.

The latest version of the EE fully supports contracted Unified English Braille (UEB) for literary material within a web application that allows users to create documents that include literary text with embedded math formulas.

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Lake Pines Braille. Website by GroupM7 Design